Apple scented exhaust fumes?

We associate A LOT of smells with cars, whether that’s the new car smell, petrol, or your favourite air freshener.
But that’s been taken to a whole new level…
Because you can now get your hands on fuel fragrances.
Yep, if you’re fed up with those strong exhaust fumes, you can simply replace them with the smell of popcorn, cherry, cinnamon, or even Pina Coladas.
We put our vehicles through a lot – whether it’s pets in the back, kids making a mess, or just everyday wear and tear, there’s a whole lot for your car to contend with.
And let’s be honest, we probably don’t clean them as often as we should because hey, life’s busy, and who wants to while away the hours valeting your car?
But eliminating the exhaust fume odour and replacing it with something MUCH more pleasant seems like an easy win…
CLICK HERE to read the full story on the odour eliminating fuel fragrances
You can get your hands on fragrances including apple, cinnamon, cherry, banana, cotton candy, and even baby powder.
But you might have to wait a while before it’s on the market in the UK, with the California based company Power Plus launching the fuel fragrances in the USA initially.
It’s pretty easy to use, with the instructions telling drivers to pop the fragrance into the tank before filling up or to pre-mix with the fuel.
And the good news is they have no effect on engine performance, and they’re completely safe for ALL internal combustion engines.