Is It A Car, Is It A Bike, No… It’s Both

Is It A Car, Is It A Bike, No… It’s Both

Who doesn’t love a multi-purpose vehicle?

A flying car a-la Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or an amphibious vehicle straight out of James Bond are the dream vehicles…

And that’s without even delving into the world of talking cars or time travelling cars. 

But this vehicle is a little bit less multi-purpose and a little more in-between purpose.

Because it’s not quite a car and not quite a bike and that’s precisely why it’s been named the ‘Karbike’.

CLICK HERE to read the full story on the vehicle that’s a little bit car and a little bit bike…

 The French start-up company behind it were incredibly excited to launch it as a hybrid vehicle.

It’s complete with an electric motor with a maximum charge capacity of 47 miles (plus a bit extra with the solar panel on the roof), it’s not something people will be doing any serious distance in. 

Then again, there’s always been a market for smaller vehicles, whether it’s Vespas down Italy’s tight city streets, rickshaws/tuk tuks as cross-city delivery vehicles across the world or now, the Karbike.

The reason it’s also classed as a bike, despite having an electric motor, four wheels, a roof, and rear seats, is because it also conforms to the 250-watt power limit for e-bikes in Europe.

It might not be top of the list for fleets in their next replacement cycle, but it’s definitely an interesting concept…

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