A Car That You Can’t Drive…

When it comes to finding a set of wheels, whether for your fleet or personally, there’s a lot that goes into the decision.

Reliability, features, affordability, warranties, and possibly the brand.

And Porsche is a brand that fits into that ‘desirable’ club, so when I first heard about a unique one on the market, it caught my attention.

The only hitch? It’s not a car you can drive.

Because it’s a sculpture of a Porsche 934 which was unveiled at the 2022 Milan Design Week, followed by heading off on a world tour.

And now it’s sold for £201,000, more than most cars that you can drive would set you back!

CLICK HERE to read the full story on why a Porsche you can’t drive has fetched a handsome sum at auction

Whether you’re a fan of sports cars or not, there’s no denying that there’s a ‘star power’ that comes with certain luxury car brands.

Porsche sits in the category with Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Bentley, Bugatti and several others in that regard.

Though they have more commercial availability than some others, they still have iconic classic cars like the Porsche 934 which was first introduced back in 1976 as a racing version of another model.

It’s gone down as a stone cold classic, hence the sculpture getting a place at the Milan Design Week before a world tour.

Would you splash out on a car you can’t drive? Maybe if I had untold riches but it feels like the sort of market most of us will never shop in…

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