Is It A Car? Is It A Van? Is It A Train? No, It’s…

I’ve always been a fan of multi-purpose vehicles.
Amphibious vehicles and flying vehicles have been the obsession of sci-fi and spy films for longer than I can remember…
Just think of James Bond films or Back to the Future.
But in reality, we’re about as close to seeing a flying vehicle or an affordable amphibious vehicle on the market as we are from all being able to afford to fly to the moon.
So, when I saw that someone had created a multi-purpose vehicle that actually works, I was pretty excited.
It might not fly, and it might not swim, but the VW Campervan that’s been converted into a train is about as cool as it gets.
Yep, you read that right – a VW Campervan on tracks.
It’s called the Volkswagen T1 Trolleybus and it pays homage to something that really ran in Germany back in the 1950s.
It was part of the country’s pragmatic thinking back in the post-war economy as they needed to purchase compact vehicles that were able to run on the rails, hence the solution.
The campervans were retrofitted to be able to run on tracks and were used by engineers conducting inspection and repair work.
And this year, the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Oldtimer (VWNO) commissioned a rebuilding of the Klv-20 for this year’s International VW Bus Day.