Cars missing MOTS by more than 3 weeks triples

The past 12 months has set new trends in the way we use our cars. There’s no denying that! Many lay motionless on the drive for months bar the odd trip to the supermarket.
And when the 6-month MOT extension came in with the first lockdown, it was welcomed.
Not only to ensure key workers were able to stay on the road and reduce social contact, but I’m sure many who were no longer using their vehicles breathed a sigh of relief too.
One less outgoing to worry about at a time when we were all tightening our belts.
Could this be the reason why the number of cars on UK roads that have missed their MOT by more than three weeks has tripled during the last six months?
9% of drivers who booked their test in the last 6 months of 2020, did so three or more weeks after their current MOT had expired.
Kwik-Fit carried out a survey recently which indicated many motorists believe there should be tougher penalties for those who miss their MOT. 14% of the 2,002 motorists who took part believe a driving ban is appropriate, 12% a fine and 26% think the car should be impounded.
It’s not all bad though, the number of drivers booking their test five or more weeks in advance has also tripled. Perhaps as a result of more people working from home and having flexibility to plan ahead when it comes to being carless for the day.
So, if you’re heading back into work over the next few weeks and have an MOT coming up, let this be your reminder – get it booked!