Casting your vote from a windmill, launderette or car boot?!

Voting from the car boot

Election day in the UK means everyone heads to the polling station. And for some, that meant standing in line at a car boot…

The recent local elections highlighted one of the UK’s greatest quirks – bizarre polling station locations!

Alongside the usual ‘dogs at polling stations’ picture, voters shared snaps of their favourite polling station locations.

We couldn’t help but notice the car boot polling booth…

 How fantastically British!

And the reason behind it was even better.

Voters arrived at 7am at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies only to find the doors locked – because a church warden had overslept. Oops.

Apparently, polling station staff are specifically trained to set up temporary polling stations in cases of emergency (which we think is absolutely fantastic and hope MORE staff will take advantage of this training in the future).

The church was open within half an hour, but a lucky first few managed to cast their ballots at the improvised booth – the aforementioned car boot.

Still, we can imagine it was a little bit stressful for the officials as they sweated over the prospect of hundreds of voters descending…

Have a look at some of the quirkier polling stations in the UK

This begs the question – what’s the weirdest place you could possibly host a polling station from?!

Car boots are pretty good, but what about the back of an HGV? Or inside a campervan?

We’re thinking vehicle-themed polling stations and the possibilities are endless… So where would you most like to vote?!

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