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Archive For: Driver Safety

Cars missing MOTS by more than 3 weeks triples

Cars missing MOTS by more than 3 weeks triples

  The past 12 months has set new trends in the way we use our cars. There’s no denying that! Many lay motionless on the drive for months bar the odd trip to the supermarket. And when the 6-month MOT extension came in with the first lockdown, it was welcomed. Not only to ensure key ... Read More
Should driving instructors be allowed to award licences?

Should driving instructors be allowed to award licences?

We don’t know how often you keep tabs on the Parliament petitions website, but there’s one petition gaining momentum that’s certainly caught our eye. “Allow driving instructors to pass learners unable to book a test,” it’s called. Ben Stanway started the petition at the back end of last year, claiming “it is unfair on learners who have ... Read More
Do learner drivers deserve to receive penalty points and fines during lessons?

Do learner drivers deserve to receive penalty points and fines during lessons?

Earlier this year we wrote about fresh information released by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), revealing that more than 9,000 British drivers had twelve plus penalty points on their licence. Without receiving a ban at all, that is. And now, new information has come to light about another 65,000 drivers who’ve got points on their ... Read More
Would phased driving licences save lives?

Would phased driving licences save lives?

Increasing unemployment levels have put paid to Government plans for graduated driving licences. Until recently, the Government was considering a new structure to the driving licensing system which would see a cascading number of tighter restrictions placed upon newly qualified drivers. Measures would aim to combat the higher driving risk of newbies, making British roads ... Read More
What does Lockdown 2 
mean for fleet managers?

What does Lockdown 2 
mean for fleet managers?

Here we go again. Lockdown 2 is kicking off on Thursday, and while it’s possible there won’t be quite the same level of hysteria and concern as there was first time around, life is about to get a little different again. So what should fleets be doing throughout November to comply with restrictions, to keep ... Read More