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Archive For: Driver Safety

Would phased driving licences save lives?

Would phased driving licences save lives?

Increasing unemployment levels have put paid to Government plans for graduated driving licences. Until recently, the Government was considering a new structure to the driving licensing system which would see a cascading number of tighter restrictions placed upon newly qualified drivers. Measures would aim to combat the higher driving risk of newbies, making British roads ... Read More
What does Lockdown 2 
mean for fleet managers?

What does Lockdown 2 
mean for fleet managers?

Here we go again. Lockdown 2 is kicking off on Thursday, and while it’s possible there won’t be quite the same level of hysteria and concern as there was first time around, life is about to get a little different again. So what should fleets be doing throughout November to comply with restrictions, to keep ... Read More
More questions over self-driving cars despite fleet trials in Oxford

More questions over self-driving cars despite fleet trials in Oxford

Live trials of Project Endeavour’s first commercial fleet of Level 4 autonomous Ford Mondeos are kicking off in Oxford this week, to demonstrate the feasibility of inner-city autonomous driving and engage local authorities with the benefits of such systems. Starting with nine-mile trips between the city’s two major railway stations, the six-strong fleet will operate ... Read More
Will Your Fleet Land Points On YOUR Licence?!

Will Your Fleet Land Points On YOUR Licence?!

Have you ever read the Road Traffic Act of 1988/1991 in all its detail? We’re willing to bet you haven’t, and if you tried, there’s a decent chance you fell asleep during the task. Reading pages and pages of laws isn’t exactly at the top of most people’s bucket lists, but there’s a good reason ... Read More
‘Laid bare loophole’ in licence laws?

‘Laid bare loophole’ in licence laws?

This week the BBC news broke the story of the M1 fatal minibus crash "laid bare the loophole" where employers are not automatically told of drivers losing their licence. Eight minibus occupants were killed in the crash in August caused by two lorry drivers - one of whom had lost their ... Read More
Restrained or you’ll pay

Restrained or you’ll pay

Did you know the Highway Code specifically states that dogs and other animals must be “suitably restrained” when in a vehicle, but that very few people abide by this rule? And the penalty for breaking it? A whopping £2,500! This point is an important one, and it’s really relevant for ... Read More
Speeding fines set to rise

Speeding fines set to rise

If I asked you point blank now, how many motorists in the UK get fines each year? I’ll give you a second to think of your answer…   Ready?   Okay, here’s the actual answer: 12 million.   That’s a third of all the drivers on the road. Pretty nuts, ... Read More