Close Encounters Of The Third Kind…

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind…

UFOs and aliens have fascinated humankind for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

And whether you think there’s a kernel of truth to it or you’d rather leave that stuff to Mulder and Scully, there’s no doubting that we all love a good UFO story.

These days, it’s more likely to be a drone than anything else, but in the days before drones and back when cameras were almost useless at night, UFO stories were common…

But seeing a flying saucer driving on the road? That’s a new one.

That’s precisely what happened in Oklahoma, USA, when a police officer pulled over a homemade vehicle that’s been kitted out to look like it’s come from outer space.

CLICK HERE to read the full story on why a flying saucer was pulled over by a police officer in the USA

I have to admit, it’s a pretty impressive project – getting a car that looks exactly like a UFO that can also operate on the road is no mean feat.

Then again, it’d be even more impressive if it could take off too!

It’s built on a base of a 1991 Geo Metro but unfortunately despite being capable of driving on the road, it’s not the easiest to conform to traffic laws. 

That is to say that the reason the police officer pulled them over is because of lane violations, rather than any issue with the vehicle

The vehicle was on its way to the Roswell UFO Festival in New Mexico, which is fitting, and it was greeted by officers on its arrival.