Don’t try 007-style drawbridge leap at home

The next Bond film’s finally coming out in September and it looks like I’m not the only one who’s a little bit excited.
I can’t wait to watch ridiculous stunt after ridiculous stunt and marvel over the magic that is James Bond’s nine (ten, five hundred?) lives.
I mean, how does he keep living?!
But while I might be partial to a Dirty Martini, shaken not stirred, I haven’t quite got to the point of fandom where I’m actually trying to replicate any of his dangerous doings – especially not on the road.
I’m a bit of a law-abider like that.
Not like this chap in Florida though, who clearly let his Bond obsession get away with him as he approached a rising drawbridge.
Yes, really, a rising drawbridge. There’s even footage to prove it.
And you can click here to watch itÂ
I mean, you’ve seen it in the movies, but did you EVER think you’d actually see someone do this in real life?!
Okay so it might not be quite as dramatic as the classic scene you’re imagining from the big screen, but it’s definitely reckless.
So reckless that the guy manages to smash his front windscreen as he throws caution to the wind and presses his Santa Fe forward, despite the lowered crossing barrier – err – and the clearly rising bridge.
Don’t try this one at home!