Don’t try this at home! Honda Accord driver takes huge and seriously dangerous load onto the road.

Heavy load

Am I the only one who sees a big pile of stuff at the bottom of the stairs as an exhilarating challenge?

I don’t think so.

Stuffing pockets with the small things, and piling the larger items on top of each other until I can barely see over the top? The adrenaline rush is something else.

(Yes, this really is the path that lockdown life has led me down.)

You’re desperate to reach the top and spill everything onto the bed knowing you haven’t dropped a single item. Because who really wants to have to go back down the stairs to retrieve a single sock?!

It’s a great game, and one I’d thoroughly recommend to anyone who’s looking for something to do this weekend.

Okay, so I’m being slightly tongue in cheek. But one driver in Texas seems to share my way of thinking.

Only he puts it into practice on a much larger, much more dangerous scale.

Click here to see the most ludicrous roof load of your life

In the video you’ll see a Honda Accord driver taking the “one trip” memo a little too seriously.

Who knows quite how much the ridiculous cargo atop the comparatively minuscule car weighs, but it certainly doesn’t look legal.

Though that almost pales into comparison with the bizarre structure on top of the bonnet, which presumably blocks most of the driver’s vision.

Still, by some feat of magic, they manage to reverse and join the busy carriageway without a problem.

Honestly, you’ve got to see this!

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