Risk Monitor

Risk Monitor allows you to easily risk assess all your drivers to give you a complete view of where your risks lie in the business. You’ll get access to simple yet powerful manager web dashboards, giving you a complete bird’s-eye-view of risks, and the ability to drill in and see individual reports on each driver.

  • Web-based driver risk assessment
  • Risk-level alerts
  • Full legal compliance
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Why should I risk assess my employees?

That’s a good question. Put simply, all employers have a duty-of-care under current Health & Safety legislation (see HSE guidelines Driving at Work – Managing Work-Related Road Safety) to regularly risk assess an employee who drives on company business (even if they only drive once or twice a year). Here are a few useful key facts:

  • 14,000 UK road deaths and serious injuries involving people at work occur annually
  • 150+ vehicles driven on company business crash every day
  • Up to 1 in 3 road crashes involves a vehicle being driven for work

It’s important to develop a strategy around how and when you will risk assess your employees who drive for work. DrivingMonitor has a simple online solution to help you establish which employees do/don’t drive as part of their work-related activities. Our simple ‘online driver declaration’ is utilised by tens of thousands of drivers every year. This gives you a fully auditable database of employees who do/don’t drive which can be updated by the employee should their circumstances change.

The simplest solution to manage the frequency of risk assessments, is to utilise Driving Monitor’s built-in refresher frequency models. We can build in annual refresher assessments or adopt a refresher based on risk levels.

Regular assessments with automatic frequencies

An example of a refresher policy based on risk levels:

  • Low risk drivers = assess every 18 months
  • Medium risk drivers = assess every year
  • High risk drivers = assess every 6 months

This means you are targeting the Medium/High risk drivers to manage their risk more proactively and reduce their risk levels at a quicker pace.

Should I use a stand alone risk assessment or an integrated service?

It’s a common mistake for a company to start with risk assessments as a standalone procedure. However, it’s important to consider the whole driver risk management life-cycle when deciding on a driver risk assessment service. Only by cross-referencing the data gathered by risk assessment with the DVLA checks with other driver risk factors can you fully cover the company duty-of-care obligations (HSE’s guidelines) which are:

Don’t be fooled by a veneer

When researching suppliers for a risk assessment package – ensure you get a ‘full’ demo of the system and ask questions such as:

  • Is this system fully integrated into the DVLA service or do you use a 3rd party for other systems?
  • Are you the main developers of this system or have you simply white-labelled a 3rd party supplier solution and if so who actually holds the data?
  • Does the risk assessment data link with accident, licence, vehicle and training data?
  • Can I see management dashboards with real-time data?
  • Is this system flexible/extendable (i.e. are you in control of bespoke development/adaptations and can we grow with you?)

We’ve been using the DrivingMonitor risk assessment tool for over 7 years now and rely on their automated refresher systems to remind drivers to take their annual assessments. We used to assess on paper in-house but Risk Monitor takes all of the admin away from us.

Jane Anderson, Fleet Manager

The driver risk management life-cycle ‘integrated’ approach

This integrated approach from DrivingMonitor connects all of your duty-of-care obligations under one simple roof using the central web portal and manager dashboards. By connecting DVLA licence checks with your driver risk assessments, training records, vehicle data, accident information and overall audit trail this allows you a full birds-eye-view of your fleet.

The beauty of this ‘integrated’ approach is this frees your staff up from trying to connect all of these systems together using manual time-consuming processes. So rather than trying to use Excel to cross reference licence checks with risk assessments and other data, the DrivingMonitor system does it all in the background for you.

1. Evaluate the risk

The first step in managing the risk of drivers is to evaluate each driver’s exposure to risk. In the wheel diagram you can see we use RiskMonitor and TrainingMonitor. You can click the links below to explore more about each module.

In this 1st phase we use:

In the driver evaluation stage we can identify the current risk levels and also recommend appropriate ‘interventions’ to help reduce any areas of risk highlighted.

2. Profile the driver

The second step in managing the risk of drivers is to build up a more accurate picture of the.

In this 2nd phase we use:

In the driver profiling stage we can identify any additional risks connected with the driver and also recommend appropriate ‘interventions’ to help reduce any areas of risk highlighted.

3. Monitor the progress

The final step in managing the risk of drivers is to ensure there is a system in place for monitoring the on-going driver checks.

In this last phase we use:

In the driver monitoring stage we can ensure tasks are being completed by drivers and managers are alerted to any potential issues, and also ensure reports are running each week/month.