Driving Monitor Fleet Covid Passport – getting driver training back on the road

It seems more and more likely that the UK will rely on some form of Covid “passport” to enable large gatherings going forward.
Show us you’ve had the jab, we’ll let you in, that sort of thing.
Peace of mind is going to be crucial to make events happen on a large scale.
But what about other industries?
What about those returning to work, trying to recapture some form of normality?
Can the same concept be used on a smaller scale?
We think so, particularly for fleets. Which is why we’ve created a simple Covid vaccination identification system for fleet trainers.
Not compulsory, not a legal requirement by any means, but certainly something that will ease the road back to “normal” and help your fleet drivers feel better when it comes to training.
Why do fleet driver trainers need a Covid Passport?
Over the last twelve months, the idea of getting into a car with a stranger has become an understandable concern for fleet drivers.
We’ve social-distanced, we’ve withdrawn, we’ve grown strangely used to being separate from those whom we wouldn’t have thought twice about sharing oxygen with just a year ago.
For most fleet drivers and the world at large, getting back to the way things were won’t be easy – not by a long chalk. And for driver trainers, that’s also presented its challenges.
Driving Monitor alone has more than 500 advanced driver trainers up and down the country, none of whom have done any training for several months, thanks to the recent UK-wide lockdown.
In Covid times, no one wants to get into a car with a stranger.
But what if you knew for certain that your trainer had already had the vaccination?
That might change things.
So we’ve created a simple passport that works threefold:
- It gives drivers the confidence to start training again
- It allows the trainers to get back to work
- Most importantly – it allows the most crucial safety mechanisms of the entire fleet industry (training) – to pick up where it left off
How does the ‘Driving Monitor Covid Passport’ for fleet driver trainers work?
It’s totally intuitive and easy to use.
Now, when trainers log into their account on the Driving Monitor system, they can record their vaccination to generate a certification system that is securely logged.
As soon as the system notes their update (instantaneously) any bookings for that trainer will carry the Covid-19 vaccination certification.
Now that the April 12th lifting of lockdown restrictions has happened and fleet driver training courses can finally restart, we hope this new option will go a long way to paving a safer, less worrisome road back to normal.
If you’d like to give your drivers another reason to start training again, why not give our Covid Passport system a go? Get in touch at [email protected] or visit www.drivingmonitor.com/demo for a free demo.