Fire Hazards Come In All Shapes And Sizes…

Fire Hazards Come In All Shapes And Sizes…

When it comes to vehicle safety, fires are about as severe as it gets.

And it turns out that even if you do all the safety checks you can think of, things can still go wrong…

Because when a family returned to their car after parking up, they found their child’s car seat ablaze in the back.

There was no technical fault with the vehicle itself, but the child’s car seat was up in flames… because the lithium battery from a children’s book had malfunctioned.  

Anyone with children will know that cars tend to become a bit of a dumping ground for toys, books, shoes, and anything else they feel like leaving in there.

But the last thing you expect is any of those to become a fire hazard, right?

CLICK HERE to read the full story on how a children’s book sparked a vehicle fire

Luckily, a neighbour was on hand with their garden hose to douse the flames before the authorities got to the incident.

The good news is that nobody was harmed and despite causing a pretty big mess, the car itself has escaped with little other than smoke damage. 

It appears that the book may have overheated after being in direct sunlight, with the battery then catching alight before burning other books in the back and acting as kindling for the car seat to go up in flames.

A reminder that vehicle safety isn’t just about the engine, electrics and mechanics…

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