Giraffe Theft Auto

Giraffe Theft Auto

Despite its prominence around the world as that video game series, Grand Theft Auto is a pretty serious offence.

Of course, taking a vehicle without consent is how the charge is better known in the UK, but in the US, GTA is not just a video game.

But in a bizarre turn of events in a safari park in Texas, GTA took on a whole new meaning – Giraffe Theft Auto.

Well, I may be stretching the comparison slightly there because it wasn’t actually the vehicle that the giraffe was intent on taking…

Because a family in a pickup truck got a shock when a giraffe grabbed a 2-year-old out of the back of the vehicle and went airborne for a few seconds.

Don’t worry, she’s alright and all is well – CLICK HERE to find out more about what happened when a Giraffe went rogue in a safari park and gave a 2-year-old the adventure of a lifetime

Paisley, the 2-year-old who spent a brief few seconds several feet above her parents when a giraffe grabbed her by the shirt, was unhurt and all was well.

Her mother explained that the giraffe had intended to grab the back but had accidentally grabbed her daughter’s shirt as well, prompting a heart-stopping moment.

The good news is that all is well, and the safari park has now changed its safety rules to ban anyone riding in the back of the open bed of a pickup truck…

From now on, all visitors will be riding inside of their vehicles with the doors locked – and that’s probably for the best.