Hasta la vista, pothole…

Nobody likes potholes.

So many roads are plagued with divots and potholes that it makes them incredibly difficult to drive on without:

Driving at a snail’s pace, veering around the road to avoid them or the third (much less favourable) option – taking the bump.

Well, it turns out that Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t like potholes very much either.

Yep, the former Mr Olympia, star of the Terminator movies and former Governor of California is as fed up as you and me with potholes…

So, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

After waiting patiently for the pothole to be fixed by the authorities, he finally had enough and headed out to do the job himself…

CLICK HERE to read more on why Arnold Schwarzenegger has been busy fixing a pothole

He took to social media to explain why he’d taken action – and it was purely down to frustration over inaction which had led to damage to vehicles and bicycles in recent weeks.

Oh, and he completed the work with the aid of some friends complete with his leather jacket, work boots, and shades.

I’ll be honest, if I had the means to do it and a pothole on my road was annoying me that much… I’d consider doing the same.

What do you think, have you got a pothole that a celebrity could fix? Maybe let Arnold know and see what he can do…

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