Holograms Are A Thing Of The Future… Or Are They?

Visions of the future are easy to mock once we’re in the future.

Moon boots, flying cars, robots and dehydrated food were futuristic in film and TV from the 80s.

But fast forward to 2024 and none of those things feature in our daily lives.

Holograms are about as futuristic as it gets when predicting what the world’s going to look like…

So, the news that one vehicle manufacturer plans to make holograms in vehicles a reality by 2027 is quite the announcement – that’s just 3 years away.

CLICK HERE to read the full story on how Hyundai plans to introduce holograms into vehicles within 3 years

With alternative-fuel-powered vehicles set to become the dominant mode of transport as the internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle era begins to phase out, manufacturers are looking towards technological development.

Vehicles can do so much more than they ever could, which means while flying cars aren’t quite a reality, things like holographic windscreens might be soon enough.

The idea is that key information such as the speed gauge, directions, video call technology and local information could be displayed on the windscreen.

That would leave room for a smaller vehicle cabin and a larger windscreen…

Testing will explore the impact on safety, how reliable the technology is, and what information should and shouldn’t be included.

While a video call might seem like a great technological advancement, it could lead to distractions for the driver.

What do you think of a holographic windscreen? Gimmick or a look into the future? Let us know in the comments below…

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