Are these the most iconic models ever produced?

Fiat 500

With everything that’s been in the news this week, we’ve been doing our very best to avoid talk of politics in the office.

Instead, we reckon the most interesting topics have included the holidays we’re now desperate to take…

Because it’s been quite a while since any of us has been abroad now, perhaps you know the feeling.

And then we talked about the cars we’ve always admired the most…

Because, well, cars.

All the usual suspects cropped up during these conversations, and we won’t bore you with who said what about this and that.

But what we will share is an interesting little slideshow we just came across – and which we immediately sent around the office this morning… Because it brought our two conversations together in one fell swoop.

Introducing the most important car made by every car-making nation…

Click here to see if you agree with the results

While it’s true that every car-making nation has put hundreds of models onto the market, there aren’t all that many you could really call “iconic”.

But now, Autocar’s put together a list of what they reckon are the most majestic vehicles manufactured by every car-producing country.

Several are undeniably deserving of the title – namely the offerings from Italy, the UK and Spain – but others? We’re not so sure.

How many do you think Autocar have got right? Which other models would you add into the list? And which other car-making countries deserve a spot on this list?

Would love to hear your thoughts so drop a comment to let us know (but please, don’t tell us TOO much about it if you have booked a holiday!).

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