I’m Not Sure I’m Insured For That…

They say that owning a car is an expensive choice – and there’s times when that’s definitely true.
MOTs, services, flat tyres, chipped windscreens and even filling up and general maintenance can add up.
And when you’re running a fleet, you’ve got more than just one or two vehicles to worry about!
Then again, you’d assume that you’re pretty safe leaving a vehicle parked up in a car park, right?
Well, for one unlucky BMW driver, that wasn’t the case. But the culprit wasn’t something you’d ever suspect…
Because a peacock is the one that caused hundreds of quid’s worth of damage in a car park in Derbyshire.
CLICK HERE to read the full story on why a peacock is banned from a car park in Derbyshire
Yep, the peacock really is banned from entering the car park.
It would be a pretty unusual one to try to explain to the insurance company if you were thinking about a claim.
The good news is that the owner of the car park has accepted responsibility and is keeping the peacock away from the car park to avoid risking a similar situation again.
But I’m not sure anyone would’ve believed you if you didn’t have any witnesses!
Have you ever had an encounter with an animal while on the road that sticks in your mind?
I witnessed two sheep dogs leap into action to round up a herd of sheep that’d blocked a country road in Wales last year – which was pretty cool, in all honesty.