Do you know the 20-second rule?

It goes without saying that when the temperature drops, driving conditions become more hazardous.
The recent cold snap has brought frozen windscreens, snow, ice, and a chill to a lot of us.
And that makes taking a few extra precautions – most of which we’re all aware of.
It might mean leaving an extra few minutes in the morning to warm the engine up and de-ice the windscreen or wearing an extra layer or two.
Or maybe even making sure you’ve got your emergency winter essentials in the boot (blanket, warm clothes, food and drink, fuel can, phone charger and anything else you might need).
BUT did you know about the 20-second rule that experts advise in adverse weather conditions?
When it’s below zero, foggy, raining heavily or the road conditions are in any way affected, experts advise leaving a 20-second gap to the vehicle in front to allow for the extra braking distance.
The good news is that the gritters are out in force with main roads and motorways well looked after… although country roads can be treacherous.
Remember, it’s important to be prepared for sudden changes in weather and road conditions in winter, and taking extra precautions such as leaving extra braking distance can make all the difference.
Experts also advise taking regular breaks on long trips to reduce the risk of fatigue, something that fleet drivers will be well aware of.