No space to squeeze into your car? Just let the 9-year-old take the wheel!

Let the 9-year-old drive

We’ve all been there:

You’ve parked your car in a multi-storey, headed off to the shops and upon return, you discover some unhelpful driver has parked so close to your car that it’s virtually impossible to squeeze between the vehicles and get behind the wheel.

 In that situation, most of us usually find a way…

We breathe in and wriggle through the passenger door before clambering over the seat, or wave all dignity a fond farewell and absurdly squirm our way in through the boot.

But there’s an alternative route into the car that I’ve definitely never seen before, until now.

Let the 9-year-old take the wheel.

No, we’re not joking. And thankfully there’s a video to prove it!

Click HERE to find out what happens when this “trapped” mum instructs her 9-year old to reverse the car out for her

When this woman in Tampa Bay, USA, was faced with the age-old problem, she decided the best course of action was to let her young child squeeze and do the honours instead.

As you’d expect, the kid crashed the car, but was thankfully unhurt.

The mother though? Charged with child neglect and allowing an unauthorised person to drive.

The best bit for me is the huge amount of room to get in on the passenger side of the vehicle…

Don’t try this at home folks!

P.S. It has to be seen to be believed – click here to watch the 9-year-old in action!

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