One for the Mystery Gang…


When something mysterious happens, you want the folks in the Mystery Gang on hand to solve it.

But when it came to the case of the missing Red Ford Mustang back in 1992, Scooby-Doo and his pals were otherwise occupied, so the mystery went unsolved.

Until, incredibly, the 1966 classic car turned up 20 years later.

The story goes back a long time when Betsy Montgomery’s first car was kept by her parents until 1992… when it went missing around the corner from her house.

They assumed it was gone forever, as you would when you hadn’t seen it in 20 years.

Until a phone call in 2012 where they find out that the car had arrived at a local mechanic’s shop.

CLICK HERE to read the full story on the Mustang turning up after going missing for 20 years

Unbelievably, the car was pretty much unscathed…

Which is remarkable for more than one reason given its age, how long it’d been missing, and the fact it was stolen.

Montgomery marked the occasion by taking to the wheel for the first time in 20 years on her birthday, which also happens to be New Year’s Eve.

The whole thing sounds extraordinary, but apparently, it’s more common than you think…

There have been a few high-profile cases of classic cars turning up decades after they were stolen in recent years, including a Camaro and a 1979 Porsche 924 which turned up 33 years and 27 years later respectively.

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