Opening your car with a swipe of your hand?


Sometimes it feels like we’re in the future.

You know, the future where you can pay for things with your phone, open things with face recognition, and order things online to arrive the same day.

That future.

Well, the future may have just taken one big step closer thanks to something pretty out there that one man in the US, Brandon Dalaly, has done…

He’s had two scannable chips implanted into his hand that can open his car.

The Tesla owner had the chips implanted as part of a trial from a company called Vivokey, with 99 others undergoing the trial.

The chips also allow him to open his home AND store data including access to his medical card and cryptocurrency.

CLICK HERE to read the full story on the Tesla owner who can open his car with a swipe of his hand…

It’s certainly one way of improving security – after all, it’s going to be pretty hard to get into that Tesla without having Brandon with you.

But it does pose an interesting question about the future of safety, security, and technology when it comes to vehicles.

How far will it all go?

The counter-argument is that our phones already track where we are and what we’re up to, and everything we do online is traceable…

But this feels like a BIG step beyond that.

What do you think about implanting chips to open cars instead of keys? Technological advancement or a step too far?

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