Police Stop Pensioner Who Has Been Driving WITHOUT A Licence For 70 Years

Police have stopped a pensioner who admitted he’s been driving without a licence OR car insurance for more than 70 years.

The driver informed the police officers on a routine stop that he’d been driving without a legal driving licence or car insurance since he was 12 – back in 1950.

He’s never had an accident or come into contact with a driver whilst insured in the 72 years he’s been on the road illegally, and he’s never been stopped by the police before.

Stop And Search

Incredibly, he was stopped in a supermarket car park where he’d stopped to do his food shopping, and it was only when officers asked to see his licence and insurance details that he admitted he didn’t have any.

Remarkably, the driver admitted that not only did he not have either, but that he has NEVER had a licence or insurance – a serious driving offence.

Both driving while uninsured AND driving without a licence are significant motoring offences, and it’s not likely that the pensioner will be out and about in his blue Mini Cooper any time soon.

The police said: “Following an inquiry, the driver, who was born in 1938, coughed that he had been driving with no licence and no insurance since he was 12 (yes 12) years old and somehow had managed to never be stopped by the police.”

All Eyes On The Road…

While roads in 1950 were completely camera-free, it’s far from the case today.

In fact, with CCTV in operation, red-light cameras at many junctions, speed cameras on busy roads and motorways, and ANPR cameras across the UK, you’re likely to pass a camera – even on a small trip.

That means it’s inevitable that a driver who’s on the road without insurance or a licence (OR BOTH) will be caught out eventually.

In this case, it’s lucky that the driver wasn’t involved in a collision or incident of any kind, but it’s a serious danger to other drivers on the road when drivers are on the road without the proper legal documentation.

The Importance Of Checking Licences

In fact, according to police figures, there are almost one million uninsured drivers on the road in the UK, which is a legal requirement when operating a vehicle in public places.

Failure to have insurance could see road users issue fixed fines or have their vehicle impounded.

Checking driving licences is INVALUABLE.

I’ve met countless fleet managers that have been shocked by the results of licence checks.

Think of licences like DBS checks – you only ever get a result based on the day you check.

That means that you’ve got to check your employees’ licences regularly enough to ensure that you pick up on new points or even a ban quickly because the DVLA doesn’t notify you of ANY changes to a driver’s licence.

If you want to avoid any unnecessary admin and unwanted issues, then a secure, automated checking tool such as Licence Monitor from Driving Monitor can ensure you never miss a check again.

Consider this your reminder to get started with automatic checks on your employees’ licences as soon as possible…

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