Sports Cars Can’t Fly, Can They?
When I was a kid, I always assumed that one day I’d own a flying car.
It’s what Back To The Future and pretty much every Sci-Fi film led me to believe, after all.
Unfortunately, the technological and logistical challenges of having millions of vehicles in the air means it’s not likely to happen in my lifetime.
So, when I heard about Mxtrem’s plans to turn a supercar into a jet, I was all ears.
Complete with wings, jet engines and even missiles, this is something a little bit out of the ordinary – although it turns out it won’t be airborne…
CLICK HERE to read the full story on how a super car is being transformed into a grounded jet engine
I’m undecided as to whether it feels more James Bond or Bond villain given the context, but it is definitely intriguing.
Each car will be tailor-made, according to the press release, and it looks like it’ll be a pretty bespoke market for the vehicles.
Which probably means you’ll have to be in a pretty exclusive club to own one – that club being have a bank account bigger than some nation’s GDP.
The question is if you could add anything to a car, what would it be?
I’ve always loved the idea of a Bond-esque ejector seat, though I struggle to think of when it’d actually be useful. Then again, the allure of missiles on the side of a car is hard to ignore…