What are the top reasons for MOT failures?

There are few things more frustrating than a vehicle failing its MOT.
And when you’re operating a fleet, there’s a fair few vehicles to sort out if they’re due…
So, knowing the top reasons for a vehicle failing its MOT might be pretty useful beforehand, right?
Well, according to the latest research lamps, reflectors, and electrical equipment are the most common defects flagged up on failed tests.
In fact, based on the data gathered from 3.75 failed MOTs, the most common defects listed on failed tests are:
- Suspension
- Lamps
- Reflectors
- Tyres
- Brakes
- Electrical equipment
CLICK HERE to read the full story on the top reasons for MOT failures in the UK
Visibility defects completed the list of the most common reasons for failure, with fleets being advised to book their autumn MOTs early to avoid the expected rush this year.
In fact, with more than 10 million vehicles due to take place over the next three months, it’s probably wise to get things sorted if you haven’t already.
Just under one-third (29%) of vehicles fail their MOT initially, with the issue being compounded as many fleets have had to continue to use older vehicles due to the current shortage.
Unexpected mechanical failures are much more likely on older vehicles with brakes, gearboxes and clutches being put under more strain the longer they’re in operation.
Has your fleet sorted out all of its MOTs and servicing this year? Let us know at [email protected]