Two paws on the wheel

You hear about some pretty remarkable stuff that goes on when people are driving.

Ask any fleet driver and they’ll have no shortage of bizarre tales…

Well, in this case, it’s a bizarre tail.

Because when a police officer approached a vehicle after pulling it over for speeding, he found that the driver had four legs, a tail, and was quite clearly a dog.

Now, that’s pretty strange…

But it because a little bit more bizarre when you factor in the fact that the police officer spotted the (human) driver swap places with the dog after being pulled over.


CLICK HERE to read the full story on the dog that was pulled over for speeding

If you’re wondering what the driver was thinking… they weren’t.

After being pulled over for driving at 52mph in a 30mph zone, the driver realised that they were in trouble for a bit more than speeding and that drink driving holds a much more severe penalty.

Drink driving a serious offence, as we all know, and that level of panic and fear appears to have caused the driver to make a bizarre decision.

I don’t think the dog with two paws on the wheel was fooling anybody.

The good news is that while the driver was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, the dog isn’t facing any charges and has been let go ‘without warning’ according to a tongue-in-cheek comment from the Police.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen on the road? Any advance on a dog ‘driving’ a car?! Let us know in the comments below.

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