UK fleets warned to prepare for ‘record levels’ of traffic on the roads

Busy Motorway From Above

Fleet owners have been warned that traffic on UK roads could reach record levels this summer, with more than 29 million staycations being planned.

Research has found that the number of bookings for summer breaks has increased by 20% since April.

The news comes as lockdown measures ease in the UK, but the traffic light system for travel abroad remains. Brits are subject to rules on testing and quarantine, depending on the level that they’re at or whether they’ve had both vaccinations.

The knock-on effect is that ahead of the school summer holidays, millions are trading in the usual beach holiday in Europe for a visit to destinations in the UK… meaning that the roads are set to be busier than ever.

How to prepare

The West Country will be the busiest part of the UK, with Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, and Somerset being some of the most popular staycation destinations.

The Lake District, Yorkshire, East Anglia, and Scotland are all set to see a significant bump in tourism, with drivers set to travel much further than usual.

Most people have already made plans for the summer, with the travel restrictions impacting the number of people that will take foreign holidays.

However, many people are still considering last-minute trips around the UK, adding even further to the traffic.

Ordinarily, there’s a natural lull in traffic during the school holidays on local roads – the first week of the holidays always sees a significant increase in traffic on motorways, A-roads and through popular tourist spots.

Fleets are now being advised to factor in a rise in traffic this summer when route planning, particularly for any longer-haul journeys.

What impact will lockdown easing have?

Almost half of the drivers surveyed said they expect to use their vehicles more frequently over the next three months, with tourist destinations, leisure, and hospitality venues set for a bump in visitor numbers.

Four in five drivers are set to head out to the British countryside, with 56% stating they’re planning a trip to the seaside.

The result of all of this is that traffic on UK roads is set to be much busier than previous summers, with experts even predicting an expected summer period this year.

Usually, the end of the school summer holidays and the return of children to school in September signals a drop in summer holidays, but one-third of drivers are planning a staycation in September this year.

Fleet owners should be prepared for a busier summer period that extends into September, with roads set to see an uplift in traffic.

Traffic is increasing as lockdown eases, with weekend traffic now higher than pre-pandemic levels and weekdays almost at the same level as in March 2020.

What are your plans for dealing with the increase in traffic this summer? Are you dealing with your fleet’s replacement cycle? Considering a change to electric vehicles? Drop us a message at [email protected]

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