Unbelievable vehicles used for royal funeral to rival Philip’s

I’ve just spotted some funeral vehicles I’m pretty sure will put to shame whatever carries the Duke of Wales tomorrow.
Last week, Egyptians in central Cairo were treated to a similar sort of royal procession (but on steroids).
This particular parade did also feature deceased royals, twenty-two of them in fact, eighteen kings and four queens.
And each of them is still revered enough to warrant a spectacular show, and one that I reckon was a lot more fancy than anything we’ll see tomorrow.
Imagine an amphitheatre scene from Ben Hur, then cross it with the Olympics opening ceremony, and you’ll get somewhere close to what this thing looked like.
(Or click here to see it for real)
As it turns out, it doesn’t matter how many centuries ago you died, as an Egyptian sovereign you’ll still receive the royal treatment.
As they made their way from one museum to another, these mummies weren’t transported by your run-of-the-mill hearse, not by any means.
The procession covered 5km with the full shebang the whole way – lights, dancing, horses and chariots, the lot.
And for me, the vehicles that carried the mummies were the most eccentric thing of the whole affair.
Specially-built lorries that looked like tanks, one for each royal, elaborately decorated in a nod to the ancient Egyptian civilisation, fitted with special shock absorbers to give the preserved remnants as smooth a ride as possible.
Think there’s any chance we’ll see anything like this at Prince Philip’s funeral tomorrow?!
Know what we’ll be adding to our funeral plans now…