A wheely bad day…

We’ve all had days where it feels like everything is going wrong.

You’re already running late when you get stuck in a traffic jam, or you get a flat tyre, or a runaway wheel bounces directly into your windscreen…

Okay, that last one is a bit specific – but that’s exactly what happened in Pennsylvania, USA.

And to a police car, no less.

Two police offers were driving in Spring Township, Pennsylvania when a runaway HGV wheel came careering down the road.

And it struck the police SUV’s windscreen straight in the centre – which was caught on their dashcam…

CLICK HERE to read the full story on the runaway wheel striking a police car’s windscreen

Luckily both officer’s escaped unharmed, which is remarkable when you see how quickly the wheel travelled towards them.

And if you’re wondering where the wheel came from…

The driver of the HGV had a lucky escape too.

Other drivers managed to steer clear of the wheel as it travelled down the road, and thankfully the wheel bounced off the police car’s windscreen to the side of the road, avoiding striking any other vehicles before coming to a halt.

You won’t be surprised to learn that the police SUV took a fair bit of damage in the incident, with the windscreen sending shards of glass into the passenger seat and the front of the roof now features a prominent dent.

It’s a reminder that you ALWAYS need to be concentrating and aware of your surroundings on the road.

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