The world’s biggest speeding fine?

It goes without saying that speeding is bad – nobody needs to be told that!
But it doesn’t always mean you don’t get caught out, whether it’s an area changing from a 40mph to a 30mph zone or even a smart motorway changing the speed at the next junction.
So, you’d hope that you wouldn’t receive a fine that’s too out of proportion, right?
Well, one driver in Finland landed a pretty hefty fine (£104,000) after driving 20mph over the speed limit.
And no, that’s not the norm.
If you’re wondering why the fine was as large as it was, it’s because Finland’s speeding fine system fines drivers based on a proportion of their income…
And the offender was one of the country’s wealthiest individuals.
CLICK HERE to read the full story on what might just be the world’s largest speeding fine
It also didn’t help his case that he was driving 20mph over the speed limit in a 31-mph zone.
The good news is that Anders Wiklöf, the businessman in question, took the fine with good grace, telling local news:
“I really regret the matter and hope that the money is in any case used for healthcare through the treasury.”
I wonder whether that sort of system could work everywhere… although you’d imagine the automatic fine system from the DVLA would start to get a little bit complicated!
What do you think, would a proportional speeding fine system improve road safety? Let us know in the comments below.