You’re only as old as you feel
As the old saying goes, you’re only as old as you feel…
Some mornings that might be a bit older than others, but you get the point.
Now, when it comes to driving, age is pretty important.
You can only get your licence once you’re 17 and then there’s a whole load of age restrictions along the way, for both young and old.
Which is where Young Driver comes in – you might have heard of them…
They’re the ones that are usually found in a shopping centre encouraging young people to start getting driving experience before they’re old enough to get a licence.
There’s a lot of logic to it, given that the data shows early driving experience can reduce accidents involving freshly-qualified drivers.
I’ve heard it’s a worthwhile initiative too – research indicates that this early exposure to driving fundamentals reduces accidents among newly-qualified drivers.
But there’s a story at the minute about a young driver who, well, isn’t young at all…
In fact, he’s Don Mitchell, aged 98 from Yorkshire.
And he’s not new to driving either…
Read the full story on the 98-year-old ‘Young’ Driver who's heading back on the road here
Don has decades of experience of driving but thanks to the Young Driver programme, he’s planning to return to the road again.
Well, he’s started with a go out on an airfield since the entire idea of the programme is to do it on private land to ensure everyone’s safety.
But if I’m still tootling around in any capacity at 98, I’ll be more than happy.